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UT3 Demo is OUT!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 6:24 pm
by 100hogs
And you can download it directly from idaclan server. :)

That's a good news. Bad news - there's no a dedicated server release. Only demo. Good way to support on-line game, Epic. :(

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:04 pm
by J1
thx for hosting Hogs :) grabbing it now. All the public servers are way overloaded.

can't wait!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 11:36 pm
by EvercleaR
UT3 demo = UT04 with out dodge jump

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:03 am
by Lethal
This game sucks so bad. What the fuck were they thinking :bsod:


Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 1:15 pm
by J1
i've got to say, im not particularly impressed. Maybe b/c my card (7800GT) isn't fast enough, but I had a headache after playing. Graphics still look OK, but movement is completely different to Ut2004 and b/c the graphics didn't move as smooth as I would have liked i couldn't aim properly. ill give it some more time b4 making final judgement, but sadly, first impressions aint that good :(

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:56 pm
by odd1in
Me likes it so far, I have the 8800GTX (AMD 4800 dual core, 2 gig ram) and the demo couldn't run any smoother... The game seems to me to be a cross between 99 and 2k4

It uses the Ageia Physics (software rendered) like MoH Airborne... I spose you could check and see if your card has a bios update for the newer shader 3.0 and the like... I just checked Nvidia's web site and on the 8 series cards these lines were writen in the tech specs:

"NVIDIA Quantum Effects™ Technology
Advanced shader processors architected for physics computation
Simulate and render physics effects on the graphics processor "

so I guess I wont be getting a physics card anytime soon

But I really do like the game, looking forwar to the final release...

I should have the LA server up in a few weeks, I'm just going to wait till the major bugs are worked out and a dedicated server is released for win 2k3 server